Retrieving Storage Address
To access particular pair's interface, you first need to know its' contract address
You can use a view function in the Feeder contract to retrieve the current storage contract address for a particular pair:
cast call $PROXY_ADDRESS 'getPairStorageAddress(string) returns (address)' $PAIR_NAME --rpc-url=$RPC_URL
If you have your Alchemy key stored in $ALCHEMY_KEY
variable then you can use the following command to get the address of the ETHUSDC storage on Arbitrum:
cast call 0xebAfeEB70704423190B1183C017D0eB8Ab2ea80A 'getPairStorageAddress(string) returns (address)' ETHUSDC --rpc-url=$ALCHEMY_KEY
Now you can visit the Storage Contract methods page and check out the storage interface.
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